Nontraditional Research Method


Domain Specific to Research in:

Astrobiology, Sample Return Science, Origin of Life, Follow the Water 2.0




Index for This Page


Problem Solution Statement:

Applications Summary

Nontraditional Method Defined

Proposed Human Factors, Multiple Intelligences, Nontraditional Method

Astrobiology Measurement and Inquiry Diversity Model

A Protocell Informed Model of Anatomy and Physiology

Supporting Framework

Prior Art Justification

Societal Benefits  





Problem Solution Statement:


The Systemic Productivity/Scoping Review concludes that the astrobiology community is at an elevated risk of the inefficiencies of a monoculture.

See: Systemic Productivity/Scoping Review


Sample return and origin of life science needs the most frontier research methods possible to capitalize on, and increase the return on investment, for the multi-billion dollar investments in sample return missions. This includes the current OSIRIS-REx and the forthcoming Mars Sample Return missions, as well as samples from prior missions held within the Astromaterial Research Exploration Sciences curation laboratory.


The Scoping Review concludes that current researchers in astrobiology demonstrate monoculture patterns.  Specifically, their measurement patterns are out of alignment with the proposed structures and mechanisms of action identified in origin of life progression and the protocell.  




A Model Protocell


Credit: Janet Iwasa, Szostak Laboratory, Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital

See: National Science Foundation Protocell Summary



It is proposed that the current field of astrobiology is strongly influenced by the culture of the scientific revolution, yet it is proposed that the field of astrobiology is at risk for missing discovery opportunities, and experiencing delayed discovery,  that can be facilitated by principles found within the arts and humanities.


This initiative proposes a nontraditional method to increase the potential for discovery and science output in astrobiology, specifically in astromaterial sample analysis, and origin of life research. 



Risks of a Research Monoculture


- Slower time line to discovery.

- Missed discoveries that are present and available to be revealed.

- Less efficient integration of discoveries.

- Less translation to applications.

- Lower return on investment



Proposed Benefits of Nontraditional Method:


- Increased speed of discovery and science output.  Reducing the time line to output.

- Expanded degrees of freedom for inquiry and innovation.

- Increased ROI for astrobiology, sample analysis, and origin of life inquiry.

- Broader societal benefits to healthcare, education, innovation, general productivity.


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Applications Summary


As the nontraditional method builds upon an innovation in the principles of human anatomy and physiology the applications are both highly specific and broadly beneficial:


The span of applications include benefits to:


  • - Astromaterial sample analysis; OSIRIS-Rex and Mars Sample Return
  • - All ‘Follow the Water’ research initiatives
  • - All astrobiology initiatives
  • - General biological sciences research.


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Nontraditional Method Defined


(1) Nontraditional technology/method as defined in:


Strategic Investments in Instrumentation and Facilities for Extraterrestrial Sample Curation and Analysis

(2019, National Academies Consensus Report)


ISBN 978-0-309-48669-9 | DOI 10.17226/25312


Link to report



4.4.1 Classifications and Overview of Analytical Instrumentation


Page: 43, item (2)

Nontraditional technologies are instruments and methods that may be common in scientific disciplines that have not had significant overlap with the community of researchers performing sample return science, but they have potential to impact the study of samples returned by ongoing or near-future missions.


Author note: In the following sections the concept of a  'measurement culture and discipline' is proposed as a more effective and inclusive foundation than 'scientific discipline' mentioned in the report  


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Proposed Human Factors, Multiple Intelligences, Nontraditional Method:


The nontraditional method proposes to increase the probability of discovery and science output, and to reduce the risks of a monoculture in astrobiology.  


The proposed nontraditional method is a human factors, multiple intelligences set of principles and skills based upon a novel model of anatomy and physiology which is informed by the protocell.


The approach proposes a concept of 'Deep Anatomy and Physiology' somewhat a-kin to the concept of 'Deep Time'.


The proposed method establishes a distinct domain of measurement and inquiry specific to astrobiology, sample return analysis, and origin of life initiatives.


This human factors, nontraditional method is used in conjunction with material technologies, machines and devices, and all pre-existing methods.  It is proposed that it will increase efficiency of all existing methods in research science, as it is based upon the fundamental function of human anatomy and physiology of work, measurement and communication.


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Astrobiology Measurement and Inquiry Diversity Model


The foundation of the nontraditional method is a perspective on diversity within the culture of science, specifically astrobiology.


Diversity within the nontraditional method is built upon a distinction between the behavioral patterns of  work, measurement, and communication within a ‘scientific discipline’ versus the transdisciplinary behavioral patterns of work, measurement, and communication across arts, humanities and science disciplines. 


The critical distinction is made regarding the underlying anatomy and physiology of work, measurement, and communication. 


The goal is to promote a diverse skill set, perspective, world view, etc among researcher.


The central route is through the model of the protocell and its evolution to the modern human.  As the modern human arose from the primordial protocell, the primordial structure and mechanism of action of the protocell are the precursors to all modern arts, humanities and sciences.  Therefore, the nontraditional method includes a diversity approach that cultivates these core efficiencies.


This approach proposes a neutral core approach to diversity.  It has the same goals as common approaches to diversity that include awareness of genetic gender, aging, cultural heritage, abilities, etc.   The goal is to promote a diverse skill set, perspective, world view, etc among researcher.


It is proposed that this transdisciplinary, anatomy and physiology diversity perspective  provides greater ‘degrees of freedom’ for the researcher.  Meaning, that the research has access to a broader tool kit of inquiry, perception, integration, and communication.   The nontraditional method achieves these goals by cultivating a primordial foundation of ontology and epistemology.


This approach is highly applicable to astrobiology, as the central goals of astrobiology are to explore the nature of the origin of life.   Therefore this approach to diversity is highly  oriented to all elements that relate to human biology, i.e. life, as well as ‘life as we don’t know it’.


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A Protocell Informed Model of Anatomy and Physiology


Underlying the nontraditional method is a refined  model of anatomy and physiology.  This anatomy and physiology model is


- Informed by the protocell model; structure and mechanism of action.


- Scales the Protocell model into the measurement and inquiry practices of the astrobiology researcher.


- Refines the current classification of human anatomy and physiology as bilateral.


It is proposed that utilizing the protocell informed anatomy and physiology model, plus the  ‘Orienting Question’ can expand insight, ideation, organization, synthesis, and expression of astrobiology and origin of life concepts.


This refined model integrates insights and principles from:

  1. Prebiotic chemistry progression to the protocell
  2. Protocell structure and mechanisms of action
  3. Evolutionary biology
  4. Historic arts, humanities
  5. Contemporary transdisciplinary disciplinary arts and sciences.


Updating the world view of the human body influences how the basic science concepts of work, measurement and communication are applied in all research.  It is proposed that this has a high value application as a foundation for the nontraditional methods to increase the potential for discovery and science output in astrobiology, astromaterial sample analysis, and origin of life research.


The refined anatomy and physiology model integrates structure and mechanisms across scale from origin of life progression, to the protocell, to the modern human.  Therefore the proposed method is domain specific to origin of life research (OOL).  It can be applied broadly to all research in biological sciences.


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 Supporting Framework


  1. Based upon the independent scholarship of Daniel Lappin, it is proposed that the principles of the progression of biotic chemistry to the protocell, seen in NASA funded research, provides a foundation for a nontraditional method of inquiry.


  1. The structure and mechanisms of action of the protocell are a significant primordial foundation for a broad array of subsequent principles within the transdisciplinary spectrum of academia, arts and sciences.


  1. The Systemic Productivity/Scoping Review provides the large scale perspective that supports the nontraditional Methods proposal.

See: Systemic Productivity/Scoping Review


  1. The proposed nontraditional method is grounded in a paradigm shifting 'Orienting Question' in sample return and origin of life research.  This single question/hypothesis is the foundation for the proposed nontraditional method.  The ‘Orienting Question’ is based in prior art, see the following section.


  1. The ‘Orienting Question’ is a distinct domain of inquiry that is proposed to be under explored, and undervalued. It is proposed that the 'Orienting Question' stands at the extreme opposite polarity to the dominant style of inquiry in astrobiology, sample analysis, and origin of life research that is derived from the culture of science over the past several hundreds of years.     


  1. The ‘Orienting Question’ proposes to fill a gap in the history of the scientific revolution by incorporating:
    1. An artistic inquiry style from the European Middle Ages, that preceded the Scientific Revolution.
    2. Elements of anatomy and physiology principles seen prior to the scientific revolution.
    3. Science and arts principles based insights from the Modern Era.


  1. The nontraditional method overcomes an inefficiency in a human factor of science research that is based upon a cultural bias that:
    1. Evolved from the evolution of precision measurement in the discipline of science since the scientific revolution in Europe.
    2. Favors a bilateral model of human anatomy. This proposed historic orientation to a bilateral model of anatomy and physiology influences the culture of inquiry and measurement of the scientist. 


  1. The bilateral model of anatomy and physiology constrains the scientist, limiting the expanse of inquiry and ideation.   This is a highly relevant issue for research in sample analysis and origin of life as the bilateral model of anatomy and physiology does not reflect the model of the protocell.


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Prior Art Justification


In addition to the validation from the transdisciplinary Scoping Review, the nontraditional method is substantiated by prior art from other fields. 


First, the discipline of Osteopathic Medicine. NASA has embraced core Osteopathic Medicine principles, as seen in the appointment of Dr. James Polk, DO as the agency Chief Health and Medical Officer at NASA.


Second: research within the National Institute of Health’s National Center for Complimentary and Integrative Health NCCIH). A notable quantity of supportive, rigorous research has been conducted that can be translated into astrobiology and sample return science methods.


Third, the field of the congenital and acquired savant.

The phenomena of the genetic and behavioral anomalies of the savant is still a young field.  Based upon documented extreme performance phenomena, it is proposed that the hypothetical underlying mechanisms of the savant hold clues to enhancing the discovery and science output potential of astrobiology.


See: Savant, Spaces Sciences, & Origin of Life Research 


Forth, Human Factors Methods


A) Somatic Therapies

The evolving field of somatic psychology contributes the principle that the human body is an instrument of measurement and expression.  This field contains more subjective, qualitative research and case studies.  It contains more arts and humanities worldviews that contribute important clues to the anatomy and physiology of work, measurement, and communication.  This initiative proposes that these contribute principles and skills to increase the potential for discovery and science output in astromaterial sample analysis


B) Historic Science, Arts, and Humanities in Euro-America since the Mid 1800’s.  

The scoping review has identified that transdisciplinary trends since the mid-1800's reveal that the basic principles and skills of the proposed nontraditional method currently exist and are in use in the population.  Yet, they are scattered and disorganized across the science, arts and humanities communities.

The model of the protocell helps to organizes these scattered activities, and illuminates their role in society.

This initiative will establish a more clear, organized and efficient methodology for this valuable resource. 


Fifth) Innovation at the Medical Extreme

Innovation is not always a predictable, simple or pretty process.  Accidents, missteps, oversights can result in insights that reveal what had previously been unseen.  Such is the nature of this proposed nontraditional method.  

Arising over the course of decades and the informal transdisciplinary scoping review the proposed nontraditional method has its roots in the N=1 medical case study and independent scholarship of Daniel Lappin. 


See link: Innovation at the Medical Extreme


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 Societal Benefits: Translational Science Application of the Nontraditional Research Method


The nontraditional method is proposed as an innovative, valuable bridge to amplify the   societal benefits of astrobiology.

More than an efficiency tool for astrobiology research, the foundation principles of the method illuminate and explain a transdisciplinary astrobiology strategy to support human potential and benefits to humanity.



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