Savant Syndrome
Space Sciences
& Origin of Life Research
“ In 2004 I met the mega-savant Kim Peek, the role model for the congenital savant syndrome character Raymond Babbitt, in the movie The Rain Man.
Kim was fascinated with NASA and virtually every topic on outer space and the potential for life beyond Earth. We discussed on several occasions a project in which Kim could focus his unique talents on probing fundamental questions of the cosmos.
After meeting the mega-savant Kim Peek, I became intrigued with the genius phenomena of the savant. After 20 years as a NASA scientist, and a researcher since 1971, it is clear that we are only scratching the surface of revealing the mysteries of the human brain and physiology. I remember a discussion with Darold (Treffert). We both marveled at what we saw in a brain imaging scan could have seemingly no correspondence with the individuals in front of us. Kim lacked the Corpus Callosum that connects the two hemispheres, atrophy of the left cerebellum, and also lacked the anterior commissure (precommissure). Despite having what would be considered negative life consequences, there was Kim with all his amazing talents. “
Richard Boyle, PhD NASA Senior Scientist, Space Biosciences Research Branch, Retired
Chief Section Editor, Environmental, Aviation and Space Physiology at Frontiers in Physiology
Further Resources:
1) Introduction letter for Daniel Lappin from Richard Boyle to Dr. Matthew Doll, Director, SSM Health Treffert Center, Savant Resarch Center
2) Kim Peek, Wikipedia page:
3) Savant Syndrome, SSMHealth
4) The Legacy of Darold Treffert, MD
Dr. Treffert consulted on the award-winning movie Rain Man (long version),
Short Version:
in which Dustin Hoffman played the part of an autistic savant, Raymond Babbitt.
Publications by Darold Treffert, Founder The Treffert Center A) Islands of Genius: The Bountiful Mind of the Autistic, Acquired, and Sudden SavantDarold A. Treffert
B) The Sudden Savant: A New Form of Extraordinary Abilities AbstractIntroduction: Savant Syndrome previously has been characterized as either congenital or acquired. This report describes sudden savant syndrome in which neurotypical persons have the sudden emergence of savant skills without underlying disability or brain injury and without prior interest or ability in the newly emerged skill areas.
C) Brain GainA Person Can Instantly Blossom into a Savant--and No One Knows WhySome people suddenly become accomplished artists or musicians with no previous interest or training. Is it possible innate genius lies dormant within everyone?
Savant syndrome comes in different forms. In congenital savant syndrome the extraordinary savant ability surfaces in early childhood. In acquired savant syndrome astonishing new abilities, typically in music, art or mathematics, appear unexpectedly in ordinary persons after a head injury, stroke or other central nervous system (CNS) incident where no such abilities or interests were present pre-incident. But in sudden savant syndrome an ordinary person with no such prior interest or ability and no precipitating injury or other CNS incident has an unanticipated, spontaneous epiphanylike moment where the rules and intricacies of music, art or mathematics, for example, are experienced and revealed, producing almost instantaneous giftedness and ability in the affected area of skill sets. Because there is no underlying disability such as that which occurs in congenital or acquired savant syndromes, technically sudden savant syndrome would be better termed sudden genius. |