Performance, Innovation & Creative Flow
A personal and team culture building program for
performance, innovation, and creativity
for artists, designers, techies, scientists … and more.
A translational astrobiology, protocell, origin of life informed approach
to human factors design to
support innovation, discovery and systems thinking
in all biological and life related research.
The program provides a novel psycho-physiology, mind-body process for performance, inquiry, innovation, creative flow, and creative expression.
It dovetails your:
Physical fitness routines
Personal workflow process
Style of inquiry, innovation, creativity and creative expression
The program supports many business and industries types, and is highly supportive of biology, medical and health related organizations.
The Approach: Using a sophisticated and practical framework of psycho-physiology, the program addresses real daily challenges that you face.
- Access deep levels of inquiry in the face of uncertainty and mystery. - Organizing large volumes of data and disorganized data. - Sustaining a natural energy that exists between you and your challenge. - Transform tension into ideas, opportunity, synchronicity, growth and value. - Sustaining mind-body wellness to sustain your capacity to perform. - Balancing an assertive drive with a natural flow.
Personal and Team Culture Building - By Many Names
Creative tension Attitude Inner game Mental game Performance ritual
Flow state Reset Fitness practice In the zone Mental aikido Unwind
Resiliency De-compress Mindfulness Wellness Check-in
Each person has their own style of w0rking, creativity, expression, performance, self awareness, collaboration, presence, and stress and resiliency style. And, when all members of a team share compatible beliefs, attitude and 'fitness' practices the team benefits. Effectiveness becomes embedded in the culture.
This is a component of collaboration.
How do you Maintain and Refine your Instrument?
Each one of us has the same tools - our brain and our body. This is our primary instrument. How do we utilize them to achieve our goals?
This program guides you and your team with practical, mind-body-somatic tools and experiences to refine their personal 'fitness' practice – their personal Creative Flow process.
Principles and skills are drawn from physical science, neuroscience, sports performance, artists and creative practices - and more.
Performance Work Cycles
This program invites you to prepare for your daily challenges as you would train for a sporting event, a fitness or yoga class, a meditation retreat, a theater performance, or public speaking event. As well, the same way you would prepare for a long awaited , joyous family reunion. Train the brain/mind and the body. Prepare.
Building upon the principles of exertion/recovery from sports training, this program advances the concept of 'micro-fitness', an innovative tactic for you to use multiple times a day to support your focus, performance, relationships and wellness. It is a brief bundle of techniques, 10 to 30 seconds or longer, that activate and align your mind and body to the task at hand - whether it is a creative, analytical, relationship, or logistic task. Specifically, these techniques counter-act the effects of excess stress that disrupt your capacity to function.
This set of principles to based upon:
Simple and practical anatomy and physiology principles found commonly in the fitness and performance industry
Sophisticated and deep anatomy and physiology principles translated from astronaut health challenges, high performance environments, and origin of life/protocell principles.
The micro-fitness techniques are implemented into performance work cycles. A work cycles is a 24 hour rhythmic process of work/exertion and recovery. Each cycle is approximately 90 to 120 minutes. This time cycles influences the capacity of your performance. It is like the charge capacity of your cell phone battery, or the volume of your gas tank in your car.
Embedded into this work cycles are sets of anatomy and physiology principles that influence your effectiveness in multiple scenarios.
The innovative tactics of this program help you work smarter, stay more connected with your team, and stay more healthy.
These skills and methods are drawn from a wide range of disciplines, including:
Mind-Body, Somatics, Brain Science,Meditation, Humor and Play, Sports & Fitness, Massage & Bodywork, Integrated Health & Wellness,Art & Humanities.
Copyright © 2023, Daniel J. Lappin